Is there anything more to say? Beyond that thanks to the Aquavit it was also a day of the living dead? It was also our last day with Marja, as her ticket home had been booked for the following day. Her stay can be summed up, much in the manner of a crack commando squad, as drop in, set up, get the job done, and get out. Which is what she did (in addition to keep us all laughing with her very sly and entertaining humor).
We did also frog-march the walking wounded out to record their pain for posterity in the form of a group photo. It was also our last chance before Marja's departure. I guess we can photoshop in our crack mesocosm building team from Munich, and Rudolph and Alain, whose presence here during setup is now a vague and distant memory (although we are definitely wondering how we will survive take down and clean up without them).
I think the group shots came out rather well and I must thank everyone for generally not blinking.
Aug 23 2012aa- It's so nice to come out at 10 minutes to 7 in the morning and find that some kind soul has rinsed, stacked, and organized the sampling carboys, so that you can use the extra time to sit down with a hot beverage.
Aug 23 2012ab- A perfect morning for the last sampling day.
Aug 23 2012ac- Morgane and Marja collecting water while Jussi and I move the boat around to tackle the next set of outside rings.
Aug 23 2012a- Our most sedate, official-looking shot.
Aug 23 2012b- The best shot including Morris, although unfortuately there are some sets of closed eyes in there.
Aug 23 2012c- I think everyone has their eyes open for this one, but Morris has a funny look on his face.
Our Official Mesocosm Group Shot: Morten, the cook whose name I need to learn how to spell, Nathalie, Juli. Starting from behind Juli is Briva, Morgane, Richard, Manon, Sari, and myself. In front we have Jussi and Julia. Then, to the right of Julia (on her left) there is Annick and Marja. You will just have to imagine Herwig, Mia, Thomas, Rudolph, and Alain.
Aug 23 2012d- To celebrate the end of sampling from the agg bags and the last night of nutrient addition in the agg bags, at Morten's instigation, the nutrient team lowered a bottle of rum and Coke to chill at the bottom of the bay (30m) while they added the nutrients. The first sip went to Neptune, the rest to whomever was still standing at about 11pm after the rigors of the previous evening.
Aug 23 2012e- Richard, Morten, and Sari excitedly awaiting their cup of the ceremonial beverage.
Aug 23 2012f- Blogger in action.
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